
We woke up at 5:00 am and; got ready. Last night Amit went to check the bus stop from where we had to take our bus for Pokhara. It was approx 1-1.5Km far away from our hotel. It was near Khushibu chowk.

We boarded the bus at 7am. As per my expectation, the concern person/ticket checker showed us the seat from last and told me the seat number was given accordingly. I already read it so did not argue with them.

The road was smooth but as usual, the speed of the bus was so much slower. In India, you usually get the same type of route in Himachal or Uttarakhand and the bus speed is above 40km/h. But in Nepal speed never cross 20-25km though there was less turning point and the road was well built. To cross only 200KM the bus took approx 9hrs. Horrible experience.

It took only two stop approx 30mins and 45mins only. So you can easily calculate the speed of the bus.

We reached Pokhara at about 4:30pm. After reaching the bus stand, lots of agents asked us for the room. We avoided them. Then we asked one person for the room. He told that he would like to show the room and if we found the room was ok, then no convenience fee otherwise we had to pay the convenience fee Rs 200NC. We agreed.

The hotel was not so far. Though the room was not up to the mark, we decided to stay there for the night. We just unload the luggage there. The room cost was Rs. 1100/ NC.

For your information, There was very less hotel near the Lake. You get only lake view only from the far corner of the lake. Every narrow road is termed there as street like 10th Street, 7th Street. Till 25th Street it was not possible to get lake view from the hotel window. So don't opt the hotel who asked lake view. To get the lake view from the hotel you have to go the corner of the Phewa lake which are too far from the center part of the city.

Anyway, we got the awesome view of the mountains like Annapurna, Machapuchare. You will get a stunning view of the road also. The road gives you the feeling of any mountain valley.

We were roaming aimlessly. We fond a lot of branded showroom like Northface, Nike. There were lots of bars as well as a restaurant which offered live music with alcohol.

Accidentally, we found Pokhra street festival placard. We just follow the road and reached the corner of the Phewa lake. As it was 5:45pm, there was an arrangement of Lake aarti. We found lots of tourists as well as locals were crowded there to view the aarti.

We also went there and stand near the lake. It was quite dark, so the lake was not visible enough, but the lakeside had a lot of light. Aarti preparation was completed. We got an awesome moment of lake aarti. The chanting of mantra along with the aarti view felt us religious. Don't miss this aarti. It's timing is 6:00pm-6:30pm.

We just entered one of the NorthFace showrooms. The price started above 5000NC. Just outside of the showroom, there was a large TV screen where Annapurna base camp related Video was showing. The scene was mesmerizing. The white snow was covered all around. The sky kissing mountains, the snowfall in the large screen gave the live feeling.

After roaming one and half hour we decided to make dinner. We found a decent Marwari restaurant near our hotel which was nearly 7th street. We ordered a proper Indian dish though I was not very fond of Indian dish especially when I was out of India. Anyway, we finished our dinner & after some time we went to our room.
25th Dec, 2018 Today We went 6:00am. Amit went to the rooftop. He found an awesome view of Mt.Machupichure. He asked us to view this awesome view from the rooftop. We went quickly to the rooftop. It was a quite cloudy morning, so the all the mountain range just backside of our hotel was not properly visible but still, it gave us an awesome view.

Vaishali decided to participate in the paragliding. So she stayed in the hotel as it will start at approx 9:30am & Amit & I decided to take sightseeing. We decided to go to the Bat Cave, Mahendra cave & Bindyabashini temple.

We took a local bus just near the 7th street, opp of Phewa lake. The bus was too much slow. But no option. We reached Mahendra cave approx 9:00am. Bus fare was approx 50NC. The entry fee was 150NC per head. It is a large limestone cave containing stalagmites and stalactites. The cave corridors are completely dark with continuously dripping water overhead. Due to the darkness, artificial lighting is provided inside approximately half of the accessible cave. Outside of the cave, there is a large park.

Near this cave, there is another cave named by Bat cave which is approx 500mtr away. This is not as large as Mahendra cave but its ceiling is covered thousands or maybe lacks bats. The entry fee was 80NC per head. At the entry point, they gave us a solar torch, one torch for 4 people. But as we were only two they gave us one torch also.

After bat cave, we decided to go Bindhbasini Temple. just by name, it seems to me that it may be a normal temple only. But when we reached there, it gave us an awesome view. It is located near Bagar. It is situated on a hilltop. To reach the temple you need to cross some stairs. From the temple premises, you will get the awesome view of the mountains ranges. When we reached the temple premises, it was sunny noon. All the ranges gave us their full stunning view. From here we get the best view of all the mountains.

We came back to our room at about 3pm. After taking some rest, we decided to book a private car for Jomsom which demanded Rs. 26K(NC) but fixed with 25K(NC). Then we hired a car to go the Shanti Stupa which charged 600NC. We reached there at approx 4:30pm. We had to hike approx 2km. There are lots of stairs mixed with clay road. We tried to reach the top quickly as 5pm was the sunset time & after sunset, it closed for public. Anyway, we reached the top as quick as possible. It gave the breathtaking view of Phewa lake along with mountain view. The Stupa is itself an awesome white monument which circled different pose of Buddha statue. The downing sun gave the last ray on golden texture surrounding the mountains as well as the lake.

We spent approx 1hr. there. Then the guard asked us to leave the place as it was closing time.
